Lanz Executive Coaching has been reborn as Mindbridge

Kate Lanz has an outstanding track record through years as a senior executive, through her training in Psychology, coaching and adoption of her own neuroscience orientated approach to executive coaching. Through years of great success Lanz Executive Coaching methods have been tried and tested at the highest level. The word is out, we’re on to something and it’s time we broaden our horizons.

Through the new brand Mindbridge and our trademarked NeuroSmart™ approach, Kate is taking the power of brain based thinking to the next level.

Kate Lanz, CEO of Mindbridge Mindbridge is now the new home of my coaching services.


What’s new about Mindbridge?

The Mindbridge approach is unique. It brings together deep coaching expertise and actual business experience, combined with applied neuroscience.

Our approach is specifically tailored to the needs of each individual company. We work with business leaders on real workplace challenges, drawing on a blend of applied neuroscience, practical tools developed through our own research and our bespoke approach to coaching. We help leaders to access the best of all the brains in the business.

At Mindbridge, we enable businesses to become genuinely brain-friendly places to work, supporting every individual to become more effective.

Kate Lanz is founder and CEO of Mindbridge. Kate brings an outstanding track record of success to the business, with over two decades as a senior executive and leadership coach.

Is Mindbridge a merger?

Mindbridge is the new identity for Lanz Executive Coaching. Kate and the team work actively with applied neuroscience in organisations. Mindbridge reflects this approach.

Are there new coaches?

Kate works with her network of longstanding senior and highly experienced colleagues. Some of these wonderful colleagues appear on the Mindbridge website.

Is Kate still in business?

Kate is very much in business. Together with associates we are working to support clients to lead well during unprecedented times of change and challenge.

I have developed models of applied neuroscience in action. These have been tried and tested with busy leaders.

Kate Lanz
CEO mindbridge

Kate Lanz, CEO of Mindbridge

My vision is to build brain-friendly working environments. I want to help leaders understand the power of igniting the neuro-chemistry that causes people’s brains to thrive. This enables them to be a positive influence on motivation and performance through the application of modern neuroscience.

At Mindbridge, we partner carefully and closely – we build long-term relationships and provide a safe environment to explore challenges and issues. By doing so, we are able to get close to the people and the culture of the organisation we’re working with, and can then provide a bespoke, focused and relevant approach.

More about our NeurosmartTM Approach


News , Events & Videos

Award Diversity Coaching

Mindbridge Diversity Award


Diversity promoting success in business

Diversity boosts business


about how the brain works diagram

About how brains work


Brainbite video article introduction

Introduction to brainbites


Collaboration and competition in business

Collaboration or competition?


mindbridge website

Welcome to our new website
